Click on a service to learn more about what we do.
Let’s chat! We’ll spend some time getting to know each other and make sure we feel like it’s the right fit before moving forward with an intake appointment.
15 minutes
Weekly, biweekly, or as-needed in-person or virtual appointments tailored to your needs and goals.
50 minutes
Sessions that focus on your relationship (whatever its nature!) and your collective goals.
50, 75, or 90 minutes
Skill-based sessions to build on your expertise as a parent by equipping you with the resources and confidence to (co)parent your child effectively and based on their unique needs.
50 minutes
Come together, connect with, and learn alongside and from others experiencing similar challenges. Click here to see our current group offerings.
Length and rate dependent on group offering, with groups ranging from $25-$150/group.
Didactic sessions following a curriculum created collaboratively to equip you with the behavioral skills (e.g., DBT, self-compassion, etc.) you want or need.
30 or 50 minutes
The behind-the-scenes work (i.e., calls with psychiatrists, schools, lawyers, etc.) that goes into providing you the most effective and comprehensive treatment.
15 minute increments
We love speaking with and to schools, companies, treatment centers, therapists, and other communities.
Please inquire to discuss your needs and our rates.